Are you facing an error Windows couldn't find the required files to complete the requested changes. Make sure you are connected to the internet and try again.
Error code: 0x800F081F
Don't worry are here to help you!
- Goto "ControlPanel" > "programs" > "Program and Features"
- Click on "Turn Windows Features On or off"
- Now here Uncheck the ".Net Framework 4.6Advanced Services"
- Click on Ok
- After that download ""
- After downloading it. Copy it.
- Paste it on C driver.
- Open Command Prompt (As Admin)
- Once Comman Prompt open.Type the following command:
- Dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:NetFX3 /source:C:\ /LimitAccess
- Then hit enter key to execute it.
- It will take some minutes. So be patient.
- After complete execution. Restart your Pc.
- Now you can install .NetFramework to your Pc.